Saturday, August 15, 2009

Well we got the news this is the last week.

We have heard officially that kiddos will be moving this next week sometime. Which is sorta difficult yet I am excited to see what is next for my family... I know homeschooling will be starting soon! I am anxiously excited. I am a little nervous since this is my first year and she has attended public school for kindergarten and first grade. So I am jumping in.... Wow that is scary. I have signed her up for a few extra curricular activities. Now I have to figure out a schedule that works for the whole family. I wonder how mom's get it all done. House cleaning, and teaching, cooking etc. I would love to hear about schedules that work for you. Do fathers help out with this stuff or is all up to the moms? These are the questions I have...


Dian said...

I can tell you from experience that you have a lot of work in front of you but God will provide the power you need. Good luck!
